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This is where you can read and experience #TheDifferenceWeMake in our workplaces, universities, medical centres, communities and beyond.


Read stories and submissions below. 

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Humanitarian Nursing & Paramedical Aid (Charity-NGO)

Canton Ticino, Switzerland

What does your organisation do?


Organize and provide paramedical care in international settings within crisis situations. HUNPA is carrying out humanitarian missions in Ukraine; the main activities are: providing free paramedical assistance and remote medical assessment with telemedicine to the population still living in conflict areas; provide emergency care training to civilians and military personnel.

What impact did this have?


People (especially elderly people) receive medical care for the first time since the start of the war, but above all they receive emotional support and feel the compassion of foreign healthcare workers: they are grateful because they do not feel forgotten.

Our paramedics providing care during the first mission in September 2023 in Donbass area (Ukraine).

DocBike Devon

Devon, United Kingdom

What does your organisation do?


We attend motorcycle events in Devon and engage with motorcyclists to teach them small changes they can make to avoid being involved in a serious or fatal collision. With a team of volunteers (3 in Devon being paramedics) we are about using positive conversation to teach bikers how to get the right bike clothing, how to be more skillful and when to ride fast (Track days!).

What impact did this have?


This will make Devon's roads safer for bikers. By promoting more skillful riding this will reduce serious or fatal collisions involving motorbikes.

Photos of us receiving charitable donations. Financial donations from Devon Freemasons and a Bike kindly donated to us by RevComps.


Paul Green - HRCG Care Group

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United Kingdom

What is your role?


Heart Failure Specialist Practitioner & Clinical Fellow (Cardiovascular disease)

One action you took with a particularly positive or rewarding outcome?


As part of a clinical fellowship, within my role, I devised screening tools. These work within patients medical notes, to opportunistically highlight patients with an irregular pulse. This then advises the clinician on the next course of action to effectively diagnose and manage atrial fibrillation. The success of this project then led on to a similar tool, for more complex area of hypertension.

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What difference did this action make?


These healthcare IT tools have provided the integrated Care Board with accurate data and reduced reporting. More importantly, it identifies those with atrial fibrillation and means stroke risk can be managed effectively. This will help save lives and reduce instances of stroke. The hypertension tool helps identify and manage BP, this reduces worsening cardiovascular disease and burden for the NHS.

In clinic and examples of the screening processes.

MedServe Wales

South & West Wales, United Kingdom

What does your organisation do?


Provides Immediate Care Practitioners to deliver Enhanced Care in support of Welsh Ambulance.

One action you took with a particularly positive or rewarding outcome?


In 2018 we actively recruited paramedics onto the team, supported their development and education.

What impact did this have?


This has resulted in the entire original cohort successfully attaining the Diploma in Immediate Medical Care of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and becoming team leads when deployed on team shifts. The second cohort are on their way to the same success.

MedServe Wales Volunteer Medics.

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Outdoor Medics Pvt.Ltd


Bangalore, India

What does your organisation do?


Wilderness and Austere First Response & Training

One action you took with a particularly positive or rewarding outcome?


We have designed and conducted a Snake Bite First Aid Workshop in the month of March. India being a tropical country face a huge challenge in Snake Bite Management.There are many superstitions, myths and misconceptions about Snakes and Snake Bites in India. Most People die due to lack of immediate first aid care and resorting to traditional healing practices


What impact did this have?


We aimed at clearing the myths and training thr first responders in right practices of Snake Bite First Aid. After this workshop the doubts about Snake Bite were cleared amd the participants were more confident in dealing with Snake bite cases. We also are planning to include safe snake handling techniques in our upcoming workshops. We had a session on Common snakes identification

Images from our Snake Bite First Aid Workshop.

Scottish Ambulance Service


What does your organisation do?


SAS Macmillan Project

One action you took with a particularly positive or rewarding outcome?


The Scottish Ambulance Service have partnered with Macmillan Cancer Support to improve the care provided to individuals at the end of life. The project has achieved many milestones but more recently updated guidelines relating to the administration of just-in-case medications to include ambulance technicians. Previously this was only in paramedic scope of practice.

What impact did this have?


This change in practice will reduce suffering for individuals with distressing symptoms at end-of-life where a technician ambulance crew have attended. Reducing inequalities and access to care and support.

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SAS Macmillan project team attending 'Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care' December 2023

Taiwan Society of Paramedicine



What does your organisation do?


We organise the "Paramedicine and Emergency Response International Conference" in Taiwan

One action you took with a particularly positive or rewarding outcome?


In 2023, Taiwan Society of Paramedicine (TSP) hosted the PERIC International Conference, inviting senior paramedics to deliver keynote speeches. We achieved a record in Taiwan with 33 poster presentations and 14 oral presentations.


This year, we continue organizing the conference to foster EMS academic development in Taiwan and Asia. We hope TSP's journal, JPER, will gain more attention, establishing a robust foundation for EMS.


What impact did this have?


We introduced the importance of research in paramedicine. There are more EMTs and Paramedics join in research groups and enrol to postgrad schools for being part of academic communities.

Wee Chee Ong


What is your role?


Medical Retrieval Paramedic

One action you took with a particularly positive or rewarding outcome?


We coordinated the critical care transport of a patient who was seriously injured in a traffic accident just across the border in Malaysia. We collaborated with teams from Malaysian hospitals, private ambulance providers, and immigration authorities to manage the operational needs and requirements for a smooth transfer back to Singapore via ground critical care ambulance transport.


What impact did this have?


The coordination went smoothly, with no complications or incidents during the 8-hour drive from Penang State in Malaysia to Singapore General Hospital. Efficient collaboration between personnel, immigration authorities, and hospitals in Singapore made this mission easy to handle.


Tanzania Rural Health Movement


Mwanza, Tanzania

What does your organisation do?


Runs a community EMS integrated with emergency medical dispatch in Mwanza, Tanzania

One action you took with a particularly positive or rewarding outcome?


We have set a community emergency response team by recruiting the motor taxi first responders. The community EMS integrated with the emergency medical dispatch has supported community members to access immediate emergency services within 7 minutes irrespective of the geographical location.

What impact did this have?


The project has impacted over 10,000 beneficiaries who have received immediate emergency care before arrival to the hospital for definitive care. The knowledge about first aid has increased to the motortaxi drivers, where up to date 224 motor taxi drivers have been trained on the basic life support.



What does your organisation do?


Provide medical supplies.

One action you took with a particularly positive or rewarding outcome?


MyMedEquip has made a significant impact by providing thousands of dollars’ worth of free equipment to student societies. Our mission, represented by our motto "Empowering Lifesavers", is to enhance accessibility to essential tools for students in need.


What impact did this have?


One particularly rewarding experience stands out. During the devastating New South Wales floods two years ago, Brock—a student paramedic—lost everything, including crucial equipment like a stethoscope required for an upcoming clinical placement. MyMedEquip stepped in to fulfill Brock’s need, and the gratitude expressed through a heartfelt smile made it all worthwhile.

Day Trip First Aid Kit - alongside student kits with stethoscopes and sphygmomanometers this is an example of contributions to student societies


Georgina Campbell

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United Kingdom

What is your role?


Clinical Team Leader

One action you took with a particularly positive or rewarding outcome?


I am a clinical team leader and provide support to operational staff to enable them to provide the best care for patients. I recently attended a patient involved in a collision on his motorbike.


I supported the crews on scene to provide enhanced trauma care and transport the patient to a major trauma centre. I also supported the patient's daughter, who was involved in the collision as well.

What difference did this action make?


The patient was treated with kindness and dignity. He was given significant treatment on scene before being transported to hospital. The crews were supported in their clinical decision making and I performed a debrief afterwards to ensure the wellbeing of everyone involved in the incident. This encourages learning from incidents and also provides staff with an opportunity to discuss their feelings.

OSH-Med international

Windhoek, Namibia

What does your organisation do?


Provide Emergency Care Training from First Aid to Emergency Care Practitioner - Intermediate level.

One action you took with a particularly positive or rewarding outcome?


I have the opertunity to make Basic EMS providers Intermediate EMS providers. Yes, being a instructor and a FTO is hard work and it sometimes ends up in debates and googling articles to make a point, but walking away with someone who learned puts a smile on any dark day.

What impact did this have?


Working with students in the field and being able to let them practically do what was trained in a classroom and seeing them gain confidance and pride in the differance they made for that person, is so next-gen rewarding. And then having other FTO's telling you that the guys that you opened the doors to are on par and exceeding expectations. That makes it worthwhile.

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Explaining the use of a vacuum mattress

Arthur Pearce



What is your role?


Branch Manager / Instructor OSH-Med international

One action you took with a particularly positive or rewarding outcome?


APU members were trained extensively in life saving skills and they where placed and forced into difficult situations, and had to use the gained knowledge to show that they were ready for the future.

What difference did this action make?


An undisclosed time after training, an team of APU members were engaged in a shoot out, and the team out did themselves and showed that drilling skills is of utmost necessity when life is hanging on the line.

Melissa Gardiner


What is your role?



One action you took with a particularly positive or rewarding outcome?


St John WA dual registered Paramedic and Midwife Melissa Gardiner has revolutionised emergency patient care in the field of Obstetrics by creating an Australian-first initiative called the State Obstetrics Referral Call (STORC). STORC provides a 24-hour helpline service, staffed by six experienced midwives. "To support ambos, women and their families is honestly my dream come true."

Please describe the difference your action made?

Since the STORC program launched at St John WA in May last year, the team has helped more than 20 deliveries across Western Australia, including twins who made a hasty entrance into the world in their mother's bathroom, and advised frontline crews on 100 obstetrics jobs. Mel has been awarded an Ambulance Service Medal for her dedication and expertise.


St John WA


Western Australia

What does your organisation do?


St John WA is a not-for-profit which delivers the Western Australian emergency ambulance service.

One action you took with a particularly positive or rewarding outcome?


St John WA has become the first emergency service in Australia to provide Auslan interpreting services for the Deaf and hard of hearing community. Through a trailblazing partnership with Convo Australia, all St John WA ambulance crews and health centres have access to interpreters around the clock, at the touch of an iPad button. Convo Australia is a Deaf-owned and operated service.

What impact did this have?

Since Convo was rolled out in January, St John WA crews have used the service 37 times for more than 105 minutes, and feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. St John WA Ambulance Paramedic Tahni Baird said it was a lifesaver for crews and patients communicating during time critical medical emergencies. “I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders,” she said.

Dominique Larrey Paramedic Student Society

Quito, Ecuador

What does your organisation do?


Non-profit group of paramedics in training, purely academic and delimited from any activity.

One action you took with a particularly positive or rewarding outcome?


As a Student Society, we provide valuable experiences to apply what we have learned in real emergency environments. We facilitate connections with like-minded people and careers, offering mentorship and job opportunities. We host hands-on workshops, keep members updated, and provide access to educational resources.

What impact did this have?


These initiatives have a significant impact by providing practical experience, improving competence in emergencies. They facilitate professional connections that offer mentorship and job opportunities. In addition, they improve knowledge and skills through workshops and educational resources, encouraging personal development and leadership roles.

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National Ambulance Service


What does your organisation do?


Pre-Hospital Emergency & Intermediate Care Provider for Ireland


One action you took with a particularly positive or rewarding outcome?


It was a Sunday night with horrendous storm and driving conditions when little Jack fell and hurt himself. Our paramedics Cian and Beverly arrived at the location real quick to take care of the 7 year old. They did everything to make Jack and his mother comfortable on their journey to hospital under horrible stormy conditions. Jack loved the spin in the ambulance!

What impact did this have?


Little Jack got medical attention immediately even in horrible weather conditions. He got well in no time as well as made friends with the paramedics. Jack's parents who were afraid of their child's wellbeing were instantly relieved by the care provided by our paramedics. Their faith in the ambulance services got even stronger.

Tom Grapes

United Kingdom

What is your role?


Secretary - Paramedic Society at Sheffield Hallam University

One action you took with a particularly positive or rewarding outcome?


In April, a 40 Sheffield Hallam Univeristy Paramedic Society members undertook the challenge of hiking Yorkshires 3 Highest Peaks raising awareness and funds for Yorkshire Air Ambulance. This is one of many activities our society has undertaken to support our profession in community action and fostering CPD and support amongst future colleagues.

Please describe the difference your action made?

We completed the challenge, raising over £4,000. In the process we fostered support and camaraderie in the team as well as a great working partnership with YAA. Yorkshire Air Ambulance is a 100% charity funded organisation, supporting colleagues and patients with emergency response to incidents across the region of 5 million people and we are proud to have partnered with them.


Sheffield Hallam Paramedic Society


Sheffield, United Kingdom

What does your organisation do?


An academic society for SHU students to encourage socials, charity and CPD.

One action you took with a particularly positive or rewarding outcome?


Organised by SHU Paramedic Society, students and lecturers from across the Hallam AHP community tackled Yorkshire’s 3 highest peaks. They raised over £4000 for Yorkshire Air Ambulance in their Yellow for Yorkshire campaign!

What impact did this have?


This event allowed for support and money to be raised for the wonderful Yorkshire Air Ambulance. This event also promoted well-being encouraging hiking in the outdoors. Students were able to socialise across the paramedic society as well as with other allied health profession members. Completing the three peaks challenge was an experience that the Paramedic Society was super proud of!

Becki Ault

United Kingdom


What is your role?


Student Paramedic

One action you took with a particularly positive or rewarding outcome?


This year I have started a new adventure within the role of the Yorkshire & Humber Region Representative for the College of Paramedics Student Council. This involved nominating myself and running in an election. I was successful in this election and have been working to make a difference in this role already!

Please describe the difference your action made?

I am extremely privileged to be in this role and work with incredible college colleagues. Most importantly, I am able to liaise and listen to the views of student paramedics within my region and feed these back to the college. Being able to make a difference to student paramedic education is remarkable and I am looking forward to the future of allowing universities to work together in my area.


Paramedic Students Association of Nigeria (PaSAN)


What does your organisation do?


A student organisation that take good care of the paramedics students affairs.

One action you took with a particularly positive or rewarding outcome?


As a student organization, we the paramedic students engage in health education and community Engagements which includes training member’s of the public including students , para- military officials on basic life support, and first aid.

What impact did this have?


These health education and community engagements have helped to reduce mortality rate, promoting the health and well-being of the members of the public. These health enlightenment has equipped members of the public with knowledge to promote the awareness and importance of paramedics in their communities.

University of Cumbria

United Kingdom

What does your organisation do?


Higher education provider and home to only Centre of Excellence in Paramedic Practice in the UK.

One action you took with a particularly positive or rewarding outcome?


The University of Cumbria has developed a 2-year paramedic degree apprenticeship, complementing its traditional programmes. Supporting the NHS Long Term Workforce Plan, it delivers the apprenticeship to learners across 7 English ambulance services. Upskilling existing staff to frontline paramedics, it supports the university with its mission to address regional, national & sector skills needs.

What impact did this have?


To date, 649 new paramedics have entered the NHS workforce in England since the first cohorts graduated in July 2023, with 97% remaining in employment. Of those who have graduated 79% achieved an upper-class degree (good degree – first-class or 2:1). In addition, new and existing Trusts are continuing to work with UoC to help address their own specific sector and regional skills needs.


David Rovardi

United Kingdom

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What is your role?


Pharmacist Independent Prescriber and Registered Paramedic, at the College of Paramedics

One action you took with a particularly positive or rewarding outcome?


The College has campaigned for and help bring about the change in legislation which allows UK paramedics to undertake a approved course and become independent prescribers.  

What difference did this action make?


The change in law allows paramedic prescribers to authorize the supply and administration of a wide range of medication, reducing delay to patients and allowing paramedics to complete a episode of care.  

The International Paramedics Day global platform and related activity is delivered by College of Paramedics (Registered No. 05062387, British Paramedic Association Registered No. 04340181), supported by a worldwide consortium of organisations.


Registered address is The Exchange, Express Park, Bristol Road, Bridgwater TA6 4RR, United Kingdom.


Tel: +44 (0) 1278 420 014

International Paramedics Day

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The International Paramedics Day logo has been created by Amy Anderson

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